

Coaching is a calling - my daily inspiration is knowing that you can have your dream career, and your dream life.

I’ve been there.

Picture me in the 1990’s—a newly minted college graduate. Young, eager, educated, flying from London to New York, with my head and my heart set on sweet C-suite satisfaction. Then reality of the career climb hit hard.  I faced daily challenges way beyond my control, and embraced stress as a way of life. And for a while, I truly loved what I did for a living and was great at it. And my reward? An increased workload and even higher goals.  I worked with corporate bigwigs, world leaders, celebrities—even royalty, and I gave 100% with little to no support, dwindling resources, and growing responsibilities. I. Was. Burning. Out. Familiar story?

When a major health crisis, a challenging new boss, a mass exodus of colleagues, and a pending department reshuffle coincided, I took a leap of faith and decisive action toward choosing, creating and living a career and life I deserved. I knew I enjoyed developing others. What I did not know is that my love of communication, business, people development, and education would lead to delivering coaching and professional development transformation. Several years of training and experience later, I help clients understand what I came to learn: work can be exactly as amazing as we make it—it all starts with the choices we make, our awareness of self, and our relationship experiences with others.

Having a champion, a guide, a mentora coach riding shotgun would have saved me a lot of time, distress, detours and wrong turns. My journey to career fulfillment and life purpose would have been faster and more enjoyable. It can be this way for you. Get me in your corner!

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Ask for you what you want—and be prepared to get it!

Maya Angelou

I Believe…

Truth is radical

Being truthful to ourselves makes being truthful with others easy.

Knowledge is power

Knowing ourselves, our friends and our colleagues makes us powerful.

Work has meaning

Meaningful work is a birthright, enriching every aspect of our lives.

Clients are capable

From setting the agenda to defining success, clients are absolute agents.

People are whole

Every aspect of every person comes to work—wholeness is reality.

Coaching transforms

The coaching process involves a depth of relationship trust which utterly transforms.

My Approach

Ditch the Villain. Be the Hero of Your Career Success Story

Just like superheroes have hidden special abilities that manifest under extreme circumstances, sometimes we are unaware of the full range of our talents and abilities until adverse or challenging circumstances reveal them.

We each have the potential to be a hero, or a villain when tested. The villain emerges when our actions are out of alignment with who we say we are, what we do, and what we say we want. Intentional or not, this is how we create distrust, confusion, resistance and indifference in our teams.
Thankfully, we can choose to ditch the villain and embrace the hero. By strengthening our Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and cultivating our Cultural Intelligence (CQ), we can be the hero of our career success stories and use our powers for the good of our teams and our organizations.

BDHR Coaching and Development Process

Get me in your corner to get you in alignment with success habits that position you to win. You bring your whole person to work, I coach the whole person dimensions that impact your reputation and your results.

I take my clients through a three-step transformational process: Be. Do. Have Results!

  1. Clarify, choose, and manifest who you want to
  2. Then DO and exhibit actions that align your behaviors with your state of being.
  3. Attract, create, experience, and HAVE the RESULTS you desire.

By focusing on our internal awareness, clarity and need for a desired future state, we seed the ground for measurable change driven by focused and intentional action. Your enhanced capabilities in two key areas drive the transformation you need to succeed: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Cultural Intelligence (CQ).
Greater EQ and CQ will:

  • Strengthen ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict.
  • Increase confidence to be effective in culturally diverse situations.
  • Recognize and become better able to navigate across barriers that may delay or derail productivity and results.
  • Expand knowledge and competency in managing people and relationships across cultures.
  • Recognize and check assumptions, uncover blind spots, and adjust mental maps when experiences differ from expectations.
  • Become more agile, adaptable, flexible and strategic with verbal and non-verbal communication and can modify behaviors to develop trusting, collaborative and productive interactions with others.
  • Increase ability to self-regulate and maintain control in high pressure situations.

Who seeks out a coach? Winners who want even more out of life.

Chicago Tribune

Ideal clients

Are we made for one another? Because I’m passionate about my impact—I only work with select clients who are committed to change and results. Download my Ideal Client guide to know whether you’re the right fit to get me in your corner.



“I’ve grown as a leader—and as a person—in leaps and bounds.”

Jessica Greenfield
“She’ll help you see the blind spots limiting your career”.

Charles Little
“She’s transformative. She’s inspirational. I highly recommend.”

Lisa Chan-Brown
“Her genuine heart-centered style coaching and interest in helping people play their A-game, always made me happy after each session.”

Paul S.

“It’s about who you can BE. What you can DO. What you can HAVE. It’s about RESULTS.”

Book a call today to get started

getting me in your corner.

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