Career going cold while ambition heats up?
Get me in your corner.

Bespoke Transitional Career Development Coaching


Tired of playing corporate ball in a losing game?Get me in your corner.

One-to-one and group coaching options.


Is leading other feeling like a fight you'll never win?
Get me in your corner.

Stop struggling. Start influencing your way to success.


Feeling like your own worst enemy?
Get me in your corner.

Get out of your own way. Unleash possibility.


Getting nowhere fast in a changing world?
Get me in your corner.

Shift with urgency for accelerated growth

Leading with influence, authenticity and joy starts here.

Develop your signature leadership.

Make an impact—fast. Navigate your crucial first impressions, leverage delegation and accountability, harness collaboration.

Eliminate the blind spots.

Get out of your own way. Adapt expertly to the shifting sands of change, choose the right priorities, make the right decisions-and nail them.

Build credibility and influence.

Rewrite the rules on relationships. Connect with trust, identify mutual benefits, inspire loyalty, persuade with passion.

Wondering whether you can get me in your corner?

I support emerging and seasoned leaders across different key moments in career and life.

Mid-Career Professionals

The middle ground is a big place to get stuck—and you know you can do better. Seems the harder you work, the less you’re recognized? Seems the more you crave meaning, the less your work means?

Step off the immovable turnstile. Step into possibility. You can turn this around—and enjoy the rewards.

Optimizing Leadership

You wanted it—and now the pressure’s on. How do you craft the right vision to demonstrate value? Get the best from your team? Make an impact fast? See and move beyond blind spots, and truly measure up to expectations?

Find flow. Inspire trust. Enjoy credibility. Get out of your own way-get me in your corner.

Transitioning Careers

Letting go of the past can be a bitter pill. Identity’s under fire, and the unknowns are stacking up fast? Time’s -a-ticking, but making the jump feels mighty lonely? A life reset calls—but where to make a start?

Ignite a new vision, lead an inspired life, generate the right momentum—you can reach your dreams.

Let me help you choose a solution that best suits your needs.


“Jacqueline’s coaching laid the groundwork for my success in the senior executive structure.”

Dawn W.
“She helped me play my A-game—she has full command of her coaching craft.”

Paul S.
“Her energy is AMAZING! She sees inner potential—I stretched beyond what I ever thought I could.”

Talath Quadri
“Inspirational. Transformative. Attentive, enthusiastic, and truly cares. I got vision, perspective, and new capacity.”

Lisa Chan-Brown

BOOK A CALL — let’s get started with a discovery call.


Think it has to be this hard?
Think again.

Our coaching and training programs are designed to exceed and actualize your career dreams, your team development, and your performance goals.

Play to Win Program

Up-level from middle of the crowd to leader of the pack
Career stalled? Dead-ended? You’re desperate to advance but it’s passing you by.
Get the power moves to break out of the rut—and learn to get out of your own way with Play to Win.

From Clarity, To Self Efficacy, To Acceptance: Executive Onboarding Matters

Congrats on your new leadership opportunity! Feeling unprepared and unsure in this new terrain?
Raise your odds of beating the 50% leadership onboarding failure rate.

Leadership Optimization: Developing Character, Trust, Expertise And Impact

Position means nothing, performance means everything—and that takes something extra.
Master your impressions, deepen your vision, make self-awareness, connection, and decisive action your leadership superpowers.

Reimagine. Reinvent. Renew: 180 Days To A Career / Life Transition

Change is coming—be it dream change, retirement, or even being laid off.
The 180 program brings purpose and certainty to even the toughest transition—with new vision, goals and power.

Drive Action With The Power Of Mastermind

Utilize and mobilize the power and intellectual capital of like-minded people to put your vision and goals on the fast track.
Join a Mastermind coaching group to expand your network and get accountability, support, and feedback from your own personal board of advisors.

Team Development Workshops

The Cultural Intelligence Difference: In a globally diverse marketplace, give your team the tools, the confidence and the capability to successfully navigate cross cultural experiences at home or abroad. Empower them to build stronger collaborative connections, increase productivity and reach solutions-driven results as culturally intelligent and highly productive contributors and leaders.

Select a CQ learning and development solution that can be customized to your organizational team needs:

Develop Cultural Intelligence
Manage Unconscious Bias

Professional Development Assessments

In addition to professional development coaching, and team training experiences, leverage the value of assessment data to help drive improved learning outcomes.

  • 360 Assessment
  • Cultural Intelligence Assessment
  • Cultural Values Assessment
  • Clifton Strengths Assessment

Find out which programs best suit your needs.

“Pursue the things you love doing and do them so well, that people can’t take their eyes off you.”
Maya Angelou.


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Start Off on the Right Foot

How to Choose the Right Coach

Choosing the right coaching partner is a bit like choosing the right pair of hiking boots. Just like the boots need to fit the terrain – in sync with how and where you are planning to hike- your coach needs to be in synch with where you want to go (vision, purpose, needs, wants) and the best way to get you there. The right fit and form may be the difference between a journey that produces blisters or bliss, so before you tie the knot on that boot, take a step back to ensure you’re moving forward with a success partner with purpose, on purpose.

Get the free PDF download on how to avoid the most common mistakes when choosing a professional development coach.